Suspension and Watch List

Card balance is tough and some cards might be made better than others. While we do not try to make these cards intentionally, they do sometimes slip through the cracks of our testers. However, we also don’t want players to feel like their cards are worthless. Every card, no matter how powerful or weak, has a place.

The cards below are on our suspension list. All cards on this list will be rereleased at some point in the future with changes to hopefully balance them. For example, a green card may be released as a red card. They’re new version will be the version played going forward. We will be working to get these cards updated as fast as possible and may release to stores for free. We may also take cards off the Suspension list, but this won’t be done lightly.

Currently no cards are suspended. We expect this page to get a substantial update after the first booster set releases.

The cards below are on our watch list. All cards on this list are on thin ice and and being watched very closely. Player complains about it in a stream? Watch list. Huge multi page essay about an unfair deck? Watch list. Card is the least played card in the booster? Watch list. This means both good and bad cards are on this list and are currently under review.